His diverse credits makes him a much sought after composer and producer. Patrick Copeland is, yet another, musical renaissance man. These intensive online courses are open to everyone, as long as you have an interest in the topic! We provide world-class learning led by IAP, so you can be assured that the material is high quality, accurate and up-to-date.
Our learning material is available to students 24/7 anywhere in the world, so it’s extremely convenient. This software is used by a whole host of audio professionals, and provides power and flexibility for writing, recording, and producing music. As you can imagine, he has an abundance of insider knowledge to share with you, and will provide an excellent education in Apple Logic Pro 8. The course has been created and is taught by an expert instructor, Patrick Copeland, who is a veteran audio engineer.
This excellent Apple Logic Pro 8: Essentials Training course is an in depth study of Apple Logic Pro 8, so you can get to know all the fundamentals of this software.